Canada's Frozen Mediterranean?
It seems like Deja Vu all over again.

In the USA, President-Elect Donald Trump is now repeatedly threatening to deport over 1 million migrants and refugees, starting on his first day as President. The first time he scapegoated and vilified refugees was in 2016. His deportations put enough fear in enough asylum seekers in the USA to send over 60,000 of them north, making claims in Canada. Likely a fraction of the actual number.
Thousands found their way to our Centre for Care. They reported fleeing discrimination, public shaming and abuse in America, and attacks on their family and children, verbal and physical, both on the streets and in schoolyards. U.S. media outlets report the costs of deporting a million migrants to be over a billion dollars.
History suggests otherwise. As in 2016, the majority won’t wait to be deported back to danger and poverty in their own country. They will “deport themselves”. For Celeste, trying to make a refugee claim in the USA in 2017, meant Canada. Deportation would have meant going back to torture, gangs, and human trafficking. It would mean another journey across the Sahara with her kids, then the Mediterranean, to get out again. She gathered her children, paid smugglers and left the USA, hidden between T.V.s in the back of a cold transport truck. They crossed at Buffalo-Fort Erie. They were forced out of the truck at night outside Toronto. It was minus 15. Their hands suffered severe frostbite and permanent damage in a snowbank. A passing stranger in a car rescued them. Celeste is a PSW now.
Celeste could have chosen Roxham Rd. But like thousands of others, she didn’t know what or who to believe if she did, what information to trust. Stories about border crossings were confusing. It will be even more muddled and confusing now. This time, refugees will find a very different Liberal government than when Mr. Trudeau tweeted his welcome messages in 2016 to all refugees. Today, the safe third-country agreement with the USA is in place, reducing the likelihood of being granted entry and an asylum claim. Canada is scaling back its number of newcomers. ICE agents are waiting at U.S. borders.
So, many may prefer their chances on treacherous winter border crossings across fields, forests and Lake Ontario. Lives will again be at stake. Some will die. Those who make it will likely go quickly into the undocumented shadows to start working in construction, cleaning offices and the like.
I hope I am wrong. Either way, our Centre is ready and on standby for what’s to come next.
The Canadian Centre for Refugee and Immigrant Healthcare
4158 Sheppard Ave East Scarborough Ontario. MIS 1T3.
Office Phone +1 (647) 267 2176
Fax +1 (647) 493 3121
Your Gift, Their Health: Donations directly fund critical healthcare services for refugees & migrants in need.